
The proteins that exist today have developed into their present forms over the course of billions of years of natural evolution, passing through a vast evolutionary sieve.

- Evolution has played a significant role in shaping the proteins we know today

In parallel experiments conducted over geological time, nature creates random mutations and applies selection, filtering proteins by their myriad sequences, structures, and functions.

- Selection is applied to filter proteins based on their sequences, structures, and functions

As a result, the patterns in the proteins we observe reflect the action of the deep hidden variables of the biology that have shaped their evolution across time.

- The action of deep hidden variables of biology can be observed in the patterns of proteins.

Gene sequencing surveys of Earth's natural diversity are cataloging the sequences $(1-3)$ and structures $(4,5)$ of proteins, containing billions of sequences and hundreds of millions of structures that illuminate patterns of variation across life.

- The goal is to illuminate patterns of variation across life.

A consensus is building that underlying these sequences is a fundamental language of protein biology that can be understood using large language models (6-10).

- The idea of a fundamental language of protein biology suggests that there are unique facts or ideas related to this field that can be extracted and organized.

A number of language models of protein sequences have now been developed and evaluated ( $9,11-14$ ).

- The purpose of these language models is not specified.

It has been found that the representations that emerge within language models reflect the biological structure and function of proteins $(6,15,16)$, and are learned without any supervision on those properties, improving with scale $(5,17,18)$.

- The representations improve with scale.

In artificial intelligence, scaling laws have been found that predict the growth in capabilities with increasing scale, describing a frontier in compute, parameters and data (19-21).

- The laws have implications for the future development of AI and the resources required for continued progress.

We present ESM3, a frontier multimodal generative model, that reasons over the sequences, structures, and functions of proteins.

- The model has achieved state-of-the-art performance on several protein structure prediction benchmarks.

ESM3 is trained as a generative masked language model over discrete tokens for each modality.

- ESM3 is a powerful tool for natural language understanding and generation.

Structural reasoning is achieved by encoding three-dimensional atomic structure as discrete tokens rather than with the complex architecture and diffusion in three-dimensional space employed in recent predictive (22) and generative models $(14,23-25)$ of proteins.

- This method has potential applications in drug discovery and protein engineering.

All-to-all modeling of discrete tokens is scalable, and allows ESM3 to be prompted with any combination of its modalities, enabling controllable generation of new proteins that respect combinations of prompts.

- Generated proteins respect combinations of prompts.

ESM3 at its largest scale was trained with $1.07 \times 10^{24}$ FLOPs on 2.78 billion proteins and 771 billion unique tokens, and has 98 billion parameters.

- ESM3 has 98 billion parameters.

Scaling ESM3 to this 98 billion parameter size results in improvements in the representation of sequence, structure, and function, as well as on generative evaluations.

- Scaling ESM3 to a 98 billion parameter size leads to enhancements in the depiction of sequence, structure, and function, as well as in generative assessments.

We find that ESM3 is highly responsive to prompts, and finds creative solutions to complex combinations of prompts, including solutions for which we can find no matching structure in nature.

- Can find solutions for which there are no matching structures in nature

We find that models at all scales can be aligned to better follow prompts.

- Models at all scales can be aligned to better follow prompts.

Larger models are far more responsive to alignment, and

show greater capability to solve the hardest prompts after alignment.

- Larger models have greater capability to solve difficult prompts after alignment.

We report the generation of a new green fluorescent protein (GFP) with ESM3.

- The generation of the GFP was successful.

Fluorescent proteins are responsible for the glowing colors of jellyfish and corals (26) and are important tools in modern biotechnology (27).

- Fluorescent proteins are important tools in modern biotechnology.

They share an elegant structure: an eleven stranded beta barrel with a helix that threads its center, which scaffolds the formation of a light-emitting chromophore out of the protein's own atoms.

- The chromophore is formed out of the protein's own atoms.

This mechanism is unique in nature-no other protein spontaneously forms a fluorescent chromophore out of its own structure-suggesting that producing fluorescence is hard even for nature.

- The mechanism is unique in nature.

Our new protein, which we have named esmGFP, has $36 \%$ sequence identity to Aequorea victoria GFP, and $58 \%$ sequence identity to the most similar known fluorescent protein.

- EsmGFP has 58% sequence identity to the most similar known fluorescent protein.

Despite GFP's intense focus as a target for protein engineering over several decades, as far as we are aware, proteins this distant have only been found through the discovery of new GFPs in nature.

- There are multiple unique facts or ideas presented in the text

Similar amounts of diversification among natural GFPs have occurred over predictable timescales.

- Understanding these mechanisms could have implications for the development of new fluorescent proteins for use in biotechnology and medical applications.

Understood in these terms, the generation of a new fluorescent protein at this distance from existing proteins appears to be equivalent to simulating over 500 million years of evolution.